Tuesday, July 29, 2014

OSCON 2014 Theme Song - Andrew Sorensen's Live Coding Keynote

Andrew Sorensen live-coding at OSCON 2014

Shortly after Andrew Sorensen began the performance segment of his keynote at OSCON 2014, the #oscon Twitter topic began erupting with posts about the live coding session. Comments, retweets, and additional links persisted for that day and the next. In short, Andrew was a hit :-)

My first encounter with Andrew's work was a few years ago when I was getting back into Lisp. I was playing with generative music with Overtone (and then, a bit later, experimenting with SuperCollider, Hy, and Twisted) and came across his piece A Study in Keith. You might want to take a break from reading this port and watch that now ...

When Andrew started up his presentation, I didn't immediately recognize him. In fact, when the code was displayed on the big screens, I assumed it was Clojure until I looked closely and saw he was using (define ...) and not (defun ...).  This seemed very familiar, and then I remembered Impromptu, which ultimately lead to my discovery of Extempore (see more links below) and the realization that this is what Andrew was using to live code.

At the end of the performance a bunch of us jumped up and gave a standing ovation. (In fact, you can hear me yell out "YEAH" at the end of his presentation when he says "And there we go."). It was quite a show. It seemed that OSCON 2014 had been given a theme song. The next step was getting the source code ...

Andrew's gist (Dark Github Theme)
Sharing the Code

Andrew gave a presentation on Extempore in the ballroom right after the keynote. This too was fantastic and resulted in much tweeting.

Afterwards a bunch of us went up front and chatted with him, enthusing about his work, the recent presentation, the keynote, and his previously published pieces.

I had Andrew's ear for a moment, and asked him if he was interested in sharing his keynote source -- there had been several requests for it on Twitter (that also got retweeted and/or favourited). Without hesitation, he gave an enthusiastic "yes" and we were off and running for the lounge where we could sit down to create a gist (and grab a cappuccino!). The availability of the source was announced immediately, to the delight of many.

Setting Up Extempore

Sublime Text 3 connected to Extempore
Later that night in my hotel room, I had time to download and run Extempore ... and discovered that I couldn't actually play the keynote code, since there was some implicit setup I was missing. However, after some digging around on the docs site and the mail list, music was pouring forth from my laptop -- to my great joy :-D

To ensure anyone else who is not familiar with Extempore can also have this pleasure, I've put together the all the prerequisites and setup necessary in a forked gist, in multiple parts. I will go through those in this blog post. Also: all of my testing and live coding was done using Ben Swift's Extempore Sublime Text plugin.

The first step is getting all the dependencies. You'll want to start the downloads right away, since they are large (the sample files are compressed .wavs). While that's going on, you can install Extempore using Homebrew (this worked for me on Mac OS X with no additional tweaking/configuration necessary):

$ git clone https://gist.github.com/8b4404e538e61c7996a5.git
$ cd 8b4404e538e61c7996a5
$ mkdir salamander && cd salamander
$ curl -L -O https://archive.org/download/SalamanderDrumkit/salamanderDrumkit.tar.bz2
$ curl -L -O https://github.com/johnsen/drumsandpercussion/blob/master/SalamanderKick/salamanderdrum-kick-r1.tar.gz
$ curl -L -O http://freepats.zenvoid.org/Piano/SalamanderGrandPianoV3_44.1khz16bit.tar.bz2
$ tar xvfz salamanderDrumkit.tar.bz2
$ tar xvfz salamanderdrum-kick-r1.tar.gz
$ mv Kick/kick* OH/
$ tar xvfz SalamanderGrandPianoV3_44.1khz16bit.tar.bz2
$ brew tap benswift/extempore
$ brew install extempore
$ cd /usr/local/Cellar/extempore/0.52
$ ./extempore
view raw 01-setup.sh hosted with ❤ by GitHub
With Extempore running, let's do some setup. We're going to need to:

  • load some libraries (this takes a while for them to compile),
  • define some samples, and then
  • define some musical note aliases for convenience (and visual clarity).
The easiest way to use the files below is to clone the gist repo and load them up in Sublime Text, executing blocks of text by hi-lighting them, and then pressing ^x^x.

Here is the file for the fist two bullets mentioned above:

;;;; Much of the content in this file is taken from various Extempore
;;;; blog posts by Ben Swift which are indexed here:
;;;; http://benswift.me/extempore-docs/index.html
;;; Load the needed libraries -- this will take several minutes
(sys:load "libs/core/instruments.xtm")
(sys:load "libs/core/pc_ivl.xtm")
(sys:load "libs/external/instruments_ext.xtm")
;;; Set up the constants we're going to need
(define sample-path "/Users/oubiwann/Downloads/8b4404e538e61c7996a5/")
(define drum-path (string-append sample-path "salamander/OH/"))
(define piano-regex "^.*([ABCDEFG][#b]?[0-9])v([0-9]+)\.wav$")
;;; Add the samplers/instruments we're going to need to the dsp output
;;; callback
(define-sampler drums sampler_note_hermite_c sampler_fx)
(define-sampler piano sampler_note_hermite_c sampler_fx)
(bind-func dsp:DSP
(lambda (in time chan dat)
(cond ((< chan 2.0)
(+ (drums in time chan dat)
(piano in time chan dat)
(fmsynth in time chan dat)))
(else 0.0))))
(dsp:set! dsp)
;;; Set up drum samples
(define add-drum-sample
(lambda (file-name const-name)
(set-sampler-index drums
(string-append drum-path file-name)
0 0 0 1)))
(define drum-sample-data
(list "kick_OH_F_9.wav" *gm-kick*)
(list "hihatClosed_OH_F_20.wav" *gm-closed-hi-hat*)
(list "hihatFoot_OH_MP_12.wav" *gm-pedal-hi-hat*)
(list "hihatOpen_OH_FF_6.wav" *gm-open-hi-hat*)))
(define add-drum-samples
(lambda (data)
(map (lambda (sample-pair)
(add-drum-sample (car sample-pair) (cadr sample-pair)))
(add-drum-samples drum-sample-data)
;;; Set up piano samples
(define parse-salamander-piano
(lambda (file-list)
(map (lambda (fname)
(let ((result (regex:matched fname piano-regex)))
(if (null? result)
;; load 4th velocity layer only
(if (= (string->number (caddr result)) 4)
(list fname
(note-name-to-midi-number (cadr result))
;; Can't use a variable here; need the actual path string
;; 'sound bank' index
;; Now that everything is loaded, try out some notes ...
(play-note (now) drums *gm-kick* 180 44100)
(play-note (now) drums *gm-open-hi-hat* 140 44100)
(play-note (now) piano 24 180 44100)
(play-note (now) fmsynth (random 60 80) 100 (* 1.0 *second*))

You will need to edit this file to point to the locations where your samples were downloaded. Also,
at the very end there are some lines of code you can execute to make sure that your samples are working.

Now let's define the note aliases. You can just hi-light the entire contents of this file in Sublime Text and then ^x^x:
(define base-note 12)
(define get-note
(lambda (octave offset)
(+ (* base-note octave) offset)))
(define C1 (get-note 1 0))
(define C2 (get-note 2 0))
(define C3 (get-note 3 0))
(define C4 (get-note 4 0))
(define C5 (get-note 5 0))
(define C6 (get-note 6 0))
(define C7 (get-note 7 0))
(define D1 (get-note 1 2))
(define D2 (get-note 2 2))
(define D3 (get-note 3 2))
(define D4 (get-note 4 2))
(define D5 (get-note 5 2))
(define D6 (get-note 6 2))
(define D7 (get-note 7 2))
(define E1 (get-note 1 4))
(define E2 (get-note 2 4))
(define E3 (get-note 3 4))
(define E4 (get-note 4 4))
(define E5 (get-note 5 4))
(define E6 (get-note 6 4))
(define E7 (get-note 7 4))
(define G1 (get-note 1 7))
(define G2 (get-note 2 7))
(define G3 (get-note 3 7))
(define G4 (get-note 4 7))
(define G5 (get-note 5 7))
(define G6 (get-note 6 7))
(define G7 (get-note 7 7))
(define A1 (get-note 1 9))
(define A2 (get-note 2 9))
(define A3 (get-note 3 9))
(define A4 (get-note 4 9))
(define A5 (get-note 5 9))
(define A6 (get-note 6 9))
(define A7 (get-note 7 9))
(define B1 (get-note 1 11))
(define B2 (get-note 2 11))
(define B3 (get-note 3 11))
(define B4 (get-note 4 11))
(define B5 (get-note 5 11))
(define B6 (get-note 6 11))
(define B7 (get-note 7 11))
At this point, we're ready to play!

Playing the Music

To get started on the music, open up the fourth file from the clone of the gist and ^x^x the root, scale, and left-hand-notes-* constants.

Here is the evolution of the left hand part:
(define root E3)
(define scale (pc:scale 4 'aeolian))
(define left-hand-notes-1 (list C3 G3))
(define left-hand-notes-2 (list G4 G4 A4 B4))
;; start with this
(define left-hand
(lambda (beat ps ds)
(play piano (car ps) 170 (* 2.0 (car ds)))
(callback (*metro* (+ beat (* .95 (car ds)))) 'left-hand (+ beat (car ds))
(rotate ps -1)
(rotate ds -1))))
(left-hand (*metro* 'get-beat 4) left-hand-notes-2 (list 1))
;; after a bit, switch to this
(define left-hand
(lambda (beat ps ds)
(play piano (car ps) 170 (* 2.0 (car ds)))
(play 1/2 piano root 170 (* 2.0 (car ds)))
(callback (*metro* (+ beat (* .95 (car ds)))) 'left-hand (+ beat (car ds))
(rotate ps -1)
(rotate ds -1))))
;; don't wait too long to execute the next bit
(define left-hand
(lambda (beat ps ds)
(if (= 0 (modulo beat 8))
(set! root (random (remove root left-hand-notes-1))))
(play piano (car ps) 170 (* 2.0 (car ds)))
(play 1/2 piano root 170 (* 2.0 (car ds)))
(callback (*metro* (+ beat (* .95 (car ds)))) 'left-hand (+ beat (car ds))
(rotate ps -1)
(rotate ds -1))))
(define left-hand-notes-1 (list E3 D3 C3))
Go ahead and start that first one playing (^x^x the definition as well as the call). Wait for a bit, and then execute the next one, etc. Once you've started playing the final left hand form, you can switch to the wider range of notes defined/updated at the bottom.

Next, you'll want to bring in the right hand ... then bassline ... then the higher fmsynth sparkles for the right hand:
(define right-hand
(lambda (beat dur)
(play piano
(pc:quantize (cosr (+ root C2) (cosr 5 3 1/2) 7/3) scale)
(cosr 160 20 7/3)
(* 4.0 dur))
(callback (*metro* (+ beat (* .5 dur))) 'right-hand (+ beat dur) dur)))
(right-hand (*metro* 'get-beat 4) 1/4)
(define bassline
(lambda (beat ps ds)
(play fmsynth root 100 (* (car ps) (car ds)) 1.0 0.5)
(callback (*metro* (+ beat (* .95 (car ds)))) 'bassline (+ beat (car ds))
(rotate ps -1)
(rotate ds -1))))
(bassline (*metro* 'get-beat 4) (list .25 .25 .6) '(3/2 1 3/2))
(define right-hand
(lambda (beat dur)
(play piano
(pc:quantize (cosr (+ root C2) (cosr 5 3 1/2) 7/3) scale)
(cosr 160 20 7/3)
(* 4.0 dur))
(if (> (random) .6)
(play fmsynth
(pc:quantize (+ 7 (cosr (+ root 36) (cosr 5 3 1/2) 7/3)) scale)
(cosr 75 20 7/3)
(* .2 dur) 0.5 5.0))
(callback (*metro* (+ beat (* .5 dur))) 'right-hand (+ beat dur) dur)))

Then you'll increase the energy with the drum section:
(define kick
(lambda (beat dur)
(play drums 35 150 dur)
(callback (*metro* (+ beat (* .5 dur))) 'kick (+ beat dur) dur)))
(kick (*metro* 'get-beat 4) 1)
(define kick
(lambda (beat dur)
(play drums 35 150 dur)
(play -1/4 drums 35 130 (* .5 dur))
(callback (*metro* (+ beat (* .5 dur))) 'kick (+ beat dur) dur)))
(define hats
(lambda (beat dur)
(play drums (random '(44 42)) (cosr 80 60 (random '(7/3 5/2))) dur)
(callback (*metro* (+ beat (* .5 dur))) 'hats (+ beat dur) dur)))
(hats (*metro* 'get-beat 4) 1/4)

Finally, you'll bring it to the climax, and then start the gentle fade out:
(define left-hand-notes-1 (list E3 D3 C3 G3))
(define right-hand
(lambda (beat dur)
(play piano
(pc:quantize (cosr (+ root C2) (cosr 5 3 1/2) 7/3) scale)
(cosr 170 20 7/3)
(* 4.0 dur))
(if (> (random) 0)
(play fmsynth
(pc:quantize (+ 12 (cosr (+ root 36) (cosr 5 3 1/2) 7/3)) scale)
(cosr 60 20 7/3)
(* .2 dur) 0.5 5.0))
(callback (*metro* (+ beat (* .5 dur))) 'right-hand (+ beat dur) dur)))
;; bring volume of sparkles up to 70 then 80
(define left-hand-notes-1 (list C3 G3))
(define left-hand-notes-1 (list E3 D3 C3 G3))
(define right-hand
(lambda (beat dur)
(play piano
(pc:quantize (cosr (+ root C2) (cosr 5 3 1/2) 7/3) scale)
(cosr 170 20 7/3)
(* 4.0 dur))
(if (> (random) .6)
(play fmsynth
(pc:quantize (+ 7 (cosr (+ root 36) (cosr 5 3 1/2) 7/3)) scale)
(cosr 80 20 7/3)
(* .2 dur) 0.5 5.0))
(callback (*metro* (+ beat (* .5 dur))) 'right-hand (+ beat dur) dur)))
;; bring volume of sparkles down to 70 then 60
(define left-hand-notes-1 (list C3 G3))
;; now bring down the piano volume of 160 by increments to 10
(define right-hand)
(define kick)
(define bassline)
(define hats)
(define left-hand
(lambda (beat ps ds)
(if (= 0 (modulo beat 8))
(set! root (random (remove root left-hand-notes-1))))
(play piano (car ps) 170 24.0)
(play piano root 170 24.0)))

A slightly modified code listing for the final keynote form is here:

;;;; This is a slightly modiifed version of code for the OSCON Keynote
;;;; which Andrew Sorenson performed live in Portland Oregon in July, 2014.
;;;; Some of the differences include:
;;;; * Free samples were used instead of the cuomst samples that Andrew uses
;;;; * Note definitions are used instead of numbers
;;;; * The sustain of the piano notes was increased
;;;; * Some of the relative volumes were changed.
;;;; The original is preserved in the history of this gist, which was forked
;;;; from Andrew's gist.
;;;; Final note: thank you so much, Andrew, for the inspiring performance
;;;; you gave to OSCON; it was an absolute delight to finally be able to
;;;; attend one of your live performances!
(define root E3)
(define scale (pc:scale 4 'aeolian))
;; (define left-hand-notes-1 (list E2 D2 C2 G2))
;; (define left-hand-notes-2 (list G3 G3 A3 B3))
;; (define left-hand-notes-1 (list E3 D3 C3 G3))
(define left-hand-notes-1 (list E3 D3 C3))
;; (define left-hand-notes-1 (list E4 D4 C4))
(define left-hand-notes-2 (list G4 G4 A4 B4))
;; (define left-hand-notes-1 (list E4 D4 C4 G4))
;; (define left-hand-notes-2 (list G5 G5 A5 B5))
;; (define left-hand-notes-1 (list E5 D5 C5 G5))
;; (define left-hand-notes-2 (list G6 G6 A6 B6))
(define left-hand)
(define left-hand
(lambda (beat ps ds)
(if (= 0 (modulo beat 8))
(set! root (random (remove root left-hand-notes-1))))
(play piano (car ps) 170 (* 2.0 (car ds)))
(play 1/2 piano root 170 (* 2.0 (car ds)))
(callback (*metro* (+ beat (* .95 (car ds)))) 'left-hand (+ beat (car ds))
(rotate ps -1)
(rotate ds -1))))
(left-hand (*metro* 'get-beat 4) left-hand-notes-2 (list 1))
(define right-hand)
(define right-hand
(lambda (beat dur)
(play piano
(pc:quantize (cosr (+ root 24) (cosr 5 3 1/2) 7/3) scale)
(cosr 160 20 7/3)
(* 4.0 dur))
(if (> (random) .6)
(play fmsynth
(pc:quantize (+ 7 (cosr (+ root 36) (cosr 5 3 1/2) 7/3)) scale)
(cosr 60 20 7/3)
(* .2 dur) 0.5 5.0))
(callback (*metro* (+ beat (* .5 dur))) 'right-hand (+ beat dur) dur)))
(right-hand (*metro* 'get-beat 4) 1/4)
(define bassline
(lambda (beat ps ds)
(play fmsynth root 110 (* (car ps) (car ds)) 1.0 0.5)
(callback (*metro* (+ beat (* .95 (car ds)))) 'bassline (+ beat (car ds))
(rotate ps -1)
(rotate ds -1))))
(bassline (*metro* 'get-beat 4) (list .25 .25 .6) '(3/2 1 3/2))
(define kick
(lambda (beat dur)
(play drums 35 150 dur)
(play -1/4 drums 35 130 (* .5 dur))
(callback (*metro* (+ beat (* .5 dur))) 'kick (+ beat dur) dur)))
(kick (*metro* 'get-beat 4) 1)
(define hats
(lambda (beat dur)
(play drums (random '(44 42)) (cosr 80 60 (random '(7/3 5/2))) dur)
(callback (*metro* (+ beat (* .5 dur))) 'hats (+ beat dur) dur)))
(hats (*metro* 'get-beat 4) 1/4)

Variation on a Theme

I have recorded a variation of Andrew's keynote based on the code above, for your listening pleasure :-) You can listen to it in your browser or download it.

This version plays part of the left hand piano an octave lower. There's a tiny bit of clipping in places, and I accidentally jazzed it up (and for too long!) with a hi-hat change in the middle. There are also some awkward transitions and volume oddities. However, these should be inspiration for you to make your own variation of the OSCON 2014 Theme Song :-)

The "script" used for the recording can found here.

Links of Note

Some of these were mentioned above, some haven't been. All relate to Extempore :-)

Monday, July 28, 2014

The Future of Programming - Adopting The Functional Paradigm?

Series Links

Survivors' Breakfast

The previous post covered some thoughts on the future-looking programming themes present at OSCON 2014.

Following that wonderful conference, long-time Open Source advocate, Pythonista, and instructor Steve Holden, was kind enough to host his third annual "OSCON Survivors' Breakfast" with tens of esteemed attendees, speakers, and organizers enjoying great company and conversation, relaxing together after the flurry of conference activity, planning a leisurely day in Portland, and -- most immediately -- having some much-needed breakfast.

The view from the 23rd floor was quite an eyeful, and the conversation ranged across equally panoramic topics. Sitting with Alex Martelli, Anna Ravenscroft, and Katie Miller, the conversation inevitably turned to thoughts programmatical. One thread of the discussion was so compelling that it helped crystallize this series of blog posts. That was kicked off with Katie's question:

Why [have some large companies] not embraced functional programming to the extent that other large ones have?

Multiple points of discussion spawned from this, some of which still continue. The rest of this post explores these. 

Large Companies?

What constitutes a large company? We settled on discussing Fortune 500 companies, which, by definition are:
  • U.S. Companies
  • Ranked by gross revenue (after adjustments for excise taxes).

Afterwards, I looked up the 2013 top 25 tech companies in the Fortune 500. I've listed them below; in parentheses is the Fortune 500 ranking. After the dash are the functional programming languages used on various company projects -- these are listed only if I have talked to someone who has worked on a project (or interviewed for a job that used the language), or if I have read an article by an employee who has stated that they use the listed language(s) [1].
  1. Apple (6) - Swift, Clojure, Scala
  2. AT&T (11) - Haskell
  3. HP (15) - F#, Scala
  4. Verizon Communications (16) - Scala
  5. IBM (20) - Scala
  6. Microsoft (35) - F#, F*
  7. Comcast (46) - Scala
  8. Amazon (49) - Haskell, Scala, Erlang
  9. Dell (51) - Erlang, Scala
  10. Intel (54) - Haskell, SML, PLT Scheme
  11. Google (55) - Haskell [2]
  12. Cisco (60) - Scala
  13. Ingram Micro (76) - ?
  14. Oracle (80) - Scala
  15. Avnet (117) - ?
  16. Tech Data (119) - ?
  17. Emerson Electric (123) - ?
  18. Xerox (131) - Scala
  19. EMC (133) - Scala
  20. Arrow Electronics (141) - ?
  21. Century Link (150) - ?
  22. Computer Sciences Corp. (176) - ?
  23. eBay (196) - Scala 
  24. TI (218) - ?
  25. Western Digital (222) - ?

The companies which have committed to projects guessed to be of significant business value written in FP languages include: Apple, HP, and eBay. Possibly also Oracle and Intel. So, a rough estimate of between 3 to 5 of the top 25 U.S. tech companies have made a significant investment in FP.

Why not Google?

The next two sections offer summaries of some views on this.

Ideal Use Case?

Is an FP language suitable for large organisations? Are smaller companies better served by them? During breakfast, It was postulated that dealing with such things as immutable data, handling I/O in pure FP languages, and creating/using higher order functions is easier for small startups due to the shorter amount of time required to hire or train a critical mass of skilled programmers.

It is certainly true that it will take larger organisations longer to train its personnel simply due to sheer numbers and, even with enough trainers, logistics. But this argument can be made for any corporate level of instruction; in my book, this cancels out on both sides and is not an argument unique to hard topics, even less, specifically pertinent to FP adoption.

Brain Fit?

I've heard this one a bit: "Some people just don't think in FP terms." They need loops and iteration, not higher order functions and recursion. Joel Spolsky makes reference to this in his article The Guerrilla Guide to Interviewing. In particular, he says that "For some reason most people seem to be born without the part of the brain that understands pointers." This has been applied to topics in FP as well as C.

To be fair, Joel's comment was probably made with a bit of lightness and not meant to be a statement on the nature of mind or a theory of cognition. The context of the article is a very practical one: hiring. When trying to identify whether a programmer would be an asset for your team, you're not living in the space of cognitive theory, rather you inhabit the realm of quick approximations, gut instincts, and fast, economical decisions.

Regardless, I find this perspective -- Type Physicalism [3] -- fairly objectionable. This is because I see it as a kind of intellectual "racism." Early social sciences utilized this form of reasoning to justify all sorts of discriminatory thinking in the name of "science", reinforcing a rigid mentality of "us" vs. "them." In my own experience, I've seen this sort of approach used to shutdown exploration, to enforce elitism, and dismiss ideas that threaten the authority of the status quo.

Rather than seeing the problem of comprehending FP as a physical limitation of the individual, I see instructional failure as the obstacle to overcome. If we start with the proposition that certain brains are deficient, we are essentially abandoning education. It is the responsibility of the instructor to engage creatively with each student's learning style. When adhering to the idea that certain brains are limited, one discards creative engagement; one doesn't even consider working with the students and their learning styles. This is a view that, however implicitly, can be used to shun diversity and dismiss potential.

I believe the essence of what Joel was shooting for can be approached in a much kinder fashion (adapted for an FP discussion):

None of us was born knowing GOTO statements, global state, mutable data, or for loops. There are many programmers alive, though, whose first contact with programming involved one or more of these. That's their "home town", as it were; their programmatic birth place. Having utilized -- as well as taught -- imperative, OOP, and functional styles of programming, I do not feel that one is intrinsically any harder than another. However, they are sometimes so vastly different from each other in style or syntax or semantics that once a student has solidified around the concepts of a particular paradigm, it can be a challenge retraining to work easily in another.

Why the Objections?

If both "ideal use case" and "brain fit" are given as arguments against adopting FP (or any other new paradigm) in large organisations, and neither are considered logically or philosophically valid, what's at the root of the resistance?

It is not uncommon for changes in an industry or field of study to be met with resistance. The bigger or more different the change from the status quo, very often is proportional to the amount of resistance. I suspect that this is really what we're seeing when companies take a stance against FP. There are very often valid business concerns: "we've made an investment in OOP" or "it will cost too much to train/hire/migrate to FP." 

I would remind those company leaders, though, that new sources of revenue, that product innovation and changes in market adoption do not often come from maintaining or enforcing the current state. Instead, that is an identifying characteristic of companies whose relevance is fading.

Even if your company has market dominance or is a monopoly, there is still a good incentive for exploring alternative paradigms. At the very least, one can uncover inefficiencies and apply new knowledge to remove duplication of efforts, increase margins, etc.


As a manager, I have found that about half of the senior engineers up for promotion have very little to no interest in taking on different (new to them) programmatic paradigms. They consider current burdens sufficient (or too much) and would rather spend what little free time they have available to them in improving existing systems.

Senior engineers who have a more academic or research bent (or are easily bored) are much more likely to embrace this sort of change. Interestingly, senior engineers who have little to no competitive drive will more readily pick up something new if the need arises. This may be due to such things as not perceiving accumulated knowledge as territory to defend, for example.

Younger engineers with less experience (and less of an investment made in a particular school of thought) are much more willing to take on new challenges. I believe there are many reasons for this, one of which may include an interest in becoming more professionally competitive with their peers.

Junior or senior, I have found that programmers who are currently looking to find new employment are nearly invariably not only willing to take on the challenge of learning different paradigms, but are usually going about that proactively and engaging in self-study.

I want to work with programmers who can take on any problem space in any paradigm and find creative solutions, contributing as valued members of a team. This is certainly an ideal set of characteristics, but one that I have seen in the wilds of the workplace on multiple occasions. It has nothing to do with FP or OOP paradigms, but rather with the people themselves.

Even if a company is locked into well-established processes and views on programming, they may find it in their best interests to provide a more open-minded approach with their employees who would enjoy that. Their retention rates could very well increase dramatically.

Do We Need To?

Philosophy and hiring strategies aside, do we -- as programmers, software projects, or organizations that support programming -- need to take on the burden of learning or adopting functional programming? Quite possibly not.

If Google's plans around Go involve building a new operating system (in the spirit of 1970s C and UNIX), the systems programmers may find pure functions too cumbersome to work with. FP may be too burdensome a fit for that type of work.

If one is not tied to a historical analogy with UNIX, as Mozilla is not with Rust, doing something like creating a new browser engine (or running a remote services company) may be a good fit for FP, especially if one has data showing reduced error counts when using type systems.

As we shall see illustrated in the next post, the usual advice continues to apply: the decision of which paradigm to employ for any given project should be dictated by the best fit and not ideological inflexibility. The bearing this has on programming is innovation: it is the early adopters who have the best chance of leading us into the future.

Up next: Retrospective on Programming Paradigms
Previously: Themes at OSCON 2014


[1] If anyone has additional information as to which FP languages are used by these top 25 companies, please let me know, and I will include that information. Bonus points for knowing of business-critical applications.

[2] Google Switzerland are using Haskell.

[3] Type Physicality is a form of reductive materialism, also known as the Mind-Brain Identity Theory that does not allow for mental states to be realized in organisms or computational systems that do not have a brain. See "Criticisms of Type Physicality" at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identity_theory_of_mind#Multiple_realizability.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Future of Programming - Themes at OSCON 2014

Series Links

A Qualitative OSCON Debrief

As you might have noticed from the OSCON Twitter-storm this year, the conference was a blast. Even if you weren't physically present, given the 17 tracks, you can imagine that the presentations -- and subsequent conversations -- were deeply varied.

This was the second OSCON I'd attended; the first was was in 2008 as a guest of Michael Bernstein, a friend who was speaking there. OSCON 2008 was a zoo - I'm not sure of the actual body count, but I've heard that attendees + vendors + miscellaneous topped 12,000 people over the course of the week (I would love to hear if someone has hard data on that -- googling didn't reveal much). OSCON 2008 was dominated by Big Data, Hadoop, endless buzzword bingo, and business posturing by all sorts. The most interesting bits of that conference were the outlines that formed around the conversations people weren't having. In fact, over the following 6 months, that's what I spent my spare time pondering: what people didn't say at OSCON.

This year's conference seemed like a completely different animal. It felt like easily 1/2 to 1/3rd the number of attendees in 2008. Where that one had all the anonymizing feel of rush-hour in a major metropolitan hub, OSCON 2014 had a distinctly small-town vibe to it -- I was completely charmed. Conversations (overheard as well as participated in) were not littered with examples from the latest bizspeak, but rather focused on essence. The interactions were not continually distracted, but rather steadily focused, allowing people to form, express, and dispute complete thoughts with their peers.


So what were people talking about this year? Here are some of the topics I heard covered during lunches, in hallways, and at podiums; at pubs, in restaurants and at parks [1]:
  • What communities are thriving?
  • Which [projects, organisations, companies, etc.] are treating their people right?
  • What successful processes are being followed at [project, organisation, etc.]?
  • Who is hiring and why should someone want to work there?
  • Where can I go to learn X? Who is teaching X? Who shares the most about X?
  • Which [projects, organisations] support X?
  • Why don't more [people, projects, organisations] care about [possible future X]?
  • Why don't more [people, projects, organisations] spend more time investigating the history of X for "lessons learned"?
  • There was so much more X in computing during the 60s and 70s -- what happened? [2]
  • Why are we reinventing X?
  • When is X going to be invented, and who's going to do it?
  • Everything is changing! I can't keep up anymore.
  • I want to keep up, but how?
  • Why can't we stop making so many X?
  • Nobody cares about Y anymore; we're all doing X now.
  • Full stack developers!
  • Haskell!
  • Fault-tolerant systems!

After lots of reflection, here's how I classified most of the conversations I heard:
  • Developing communities,
  • Developing careers and/or personal/professional qualities, and
  • Developing software, 

along lines such as:
  • Effective maintenance, maturity, and health,
  • Focusing on the "art",  eventual mastery, and investments of time,
  • Tempering bare pragmatism with something resembling science or academic excellence,
  • Learning the new to bolster the old,
  • Inspiring innovation from a place of contemplation and analysis,
  • Mining the past for great ideas, and
  • Figuring out how to better share and spread the adoption of good ideas.


Generalized to such a degree, this could have been pretty much any congregation of interested, engaged minds since the dawn of civilization. So what does it look like if we don't normalize quite so much? Weighing these with what may well be my own bias (and the bias of like-minded peers), I submit to your review these themes:

  • A very strong interest in programming (thinking and creating) vs. integration (assessing and consuming).
  • An express desire to become better at abstraction (higher-order functions, composition, and types) to better deal with growing systems complexities.
  • An interest in building even more complicated systems.
  • A fear of reimplementing past mistakes or of letting dust gather on past intellectual achievements.

As you might have guessed, these number very highly among the reasons why the conference was such an unexpected pleasure for me. But it should also not come as a surprise that these themes are present:

  • We have had several years of companies such as Google and Amazon (AWS) building and deploying some of the most sophisticated examples of logic-made-manifest in human history. This has created perceived value in our industry and many wish to emulate it. Similarly, we have single purpose distributed systems being purchased for nearly 20 billion USD -- a different kind of complexity, with a different kind of perceived reward.
  • In the 70s and 80s, OOP adoption brought with it the ability to create large software systems in ways that people had not dared dream or were impractical to realize. Today's growing adoption of the Functional paradigm is giving early signs of allowing us to better integrate complex systems with more predictability and fewer errors.
  • Case studies of improvements in productivity or the capacity to handle highly complex or previously intractable problems with better abstractions, has ignited the passions of many. Not wanting to limit their scope of knowledge or sources of inspiration, people are not simply limiting themselves to the exploration of such things as Category Theory -- they are opening the vaults of computer science with such projects as Papers We Love.

There's a brave new world in the making. It's a world for programmers and thinkers, for philosophers and makers. There's a lot to learn, but it's really not so different from older worlds: the same passions drive us, the same idealism burns brightly. And it's nice to see that these themes arise not only in small, highly specialized venues such as university doctoral programs and StrangeLoop (or LambdaJam), but also in larger intersections of the industry like OSCON (or more general-audience ones like Meetups).

Up next: Adopting the Functional Paradigm?
PreviouslyAn Overview


[1] It goes without saying that any one attendee couldn't possibly be exposed to enough conversations to form a perfectly accurate sense of the total distribution of conversation topics. No claim to the contrary is being made here :-)

[2] I strongly adhere to the multifaceted hypothesis proposed by Bret Victor
here in the section titled "Why did all these ideas happen during this particular time period?"

The Future of Programming - An Overview

Art by Philip Straub
There's a new series of blog posts coming, inspired by on-going conversations with peers, continuous inspection of the development landscape, habitual navel-gazing, and participation at the catalytic OSCON 2014. As you might have inferred, these will be on the topic of "The Future of Programming."

Not to be confused with Bret Victor's excellent talk last year at DBX, these posts will be less about individual technologies or developer user experience, and more about historic trends and viewing the present (and near future) through such a lense.

In this mini-series, the aim is to present posts on following topics:

I did a similar set of posts, conceived in late 2008 and published in 2009 on the future of cloud computing entitled After the Cloud. It was a very successful series and the cloud industry seems to be heading towards some of the predictions made in it -- ZeroVM and Docker are an incremental step towards the future of distributed processes/functions outlined in To Atomic Computation and Beyond

In that post, though, are two quotes from industry greats. These provide an excellent context for this series as well, hinting at an overriding theme:
  • Alan Kay, 1998: A crucial key to growing large systems is effective communications between components.
  • Joe Armstrong, 2004: To effectively model and solve problems in a distributed manner, we need concurrency... this is made easier when we isolate processes and do not share data.

In the decade since these statements were made, we have seen individuals, projects, and companies take that vision to heart -- and succeeding as a result. But as an industry, we continue to struggle with the definition of our art; we still are tormented by change -- both from within and externally -- and do not seem to adapt to it well.

These posts will peer into such places ... in the hope that such inspection might guide us better through the tangled forest of our present into the unimagined forest of our future.

Up next: Themes at OSCON 2014 ...

Thursday, July 03, 2014

Uncovering Inherent Structures in Organizations

Vladimir Levenshtein
This post should have a subtitle: "Using Team Analysis and Levenshtein Distance to Reveal said Structure." It's the first part of that subtitle that is the secret, though: being able to correctly analyze and classify individual teams. Without that, using something clever like Levenshtein distance isn't going to be very much help.

But that's coming in towards the end of the story. Let's start at the beginning.

What You're Going to See

This post is a bit long. Here are the sections I've divided it into:

  • What You're Going to See
  • Premise
  • Introducing ACME
  • Categorizing Teams
  • Category Example
  • Calculating the Levenshtein Distance of Teams
  • Sorting and Interpretation
  • Conclusion

However, you don't need to read the whole thing to obtain the main benefits. You can get the Cliff Notes version by reading the Premise, Categorizing Teams, Interpretation, and the Conclusion.


Companies grow. Teams expand. If you're well-placed in your industry and providing in-demand services or products, this is happening to you. Individuals and small teams tend to deal with this sort of change pretty well. At an organizational level, however, this sort of change tends to have an impact that can bring a group down, or rocket it up to the next level.

Of the many issues faced by growing companies (or rapidly growing orgs within large companies), the structuring one can be most problematic: "Our old structures, though comfortable, won't scale well with all these new teams and all the new hires joining our existing teams. How do we reorganize? Where do we put folks? Are there natural lines along which we can provide better management (and vision!) structure?"

The answer, of course, is "yes" -- but! It requires careful analysis and a deep understanding every team in your org.

The remainder of this post will set up a scenario and then figure out how to do a re-org. I use a software engineering org as an example, but that's just because I have a long and intimate knowledge of them and understand the ways in which one can classify such teams. These same methods could be applied a Sales group, Marketing groups, etc., as long as you know the characteristics that define the teams of which these orgs are comprised.

Introducing ACME

ACME Corporation is the leading producer of some of the most innovative products of the 20th century. The CTO had previously tasked you, the VP of Software Development to bring this product line into the digital age -- and you did! Your great ideas for the updated suite are the new hottness that everyone is clamouring for. Subsequently, the growth of your teams has been fast, and dare we say, exponential.

More details on the scenario: your Software Development Group has several teams of engineers, all working on different products or services, each of which supports ACME Corporation in different ways. In the past 2 years, you've built up your org by an order of magnitude in size. You've started promoting and hiring more managers and directors to help organize these teams into sensible encapsulating structures. These larger groups, once identified, would comprise the whole Development Group.

Ideally, the new groups would represent some aspect of the company, software development, engineering, and product vision -- in other words, some sensible clustering of teams doing related work. How would you group the teams in the most natural way?

Simply dividing along language or platform lines may seem like the obvious answer, but is it the best choice? There are some questions that can help guide you in figuring this out:
  • How do these teams interact with other parts of the company? 
  • Who are the stakeholders in feature development? 
  • Which sorts of customers does each team primarily serve?
There are many more questions you could ask (some are implicit in the analysis data linked below), but this should give a taste.

ACME Software Development has grown the following teams, some of which focus on products, some on infrastructure, some on services, etc.:
  • Digital Anvil Product Team
  • Giant Rubber Band App Team
  • Digital Iron Carrot Team
  • Jet Propelled Unicycle Service Team
  • Jet Propelled Pogo Stick Service Team
  • Ultimatum Dispatcher API Team
  • Virtual Rocket Powered Roller Skates Team
  • Operations (release management, deployments, production maintenance)
  • QA (testing infrastructure, CI/CD)
  • Community Team (documentation, examples, community engagement, meetups, etc.)

Early SW Dev team hacking the ENIAC

Categorizing Teams

Each of those teams started with 2-4 devs hacking on small skunkworks projects. They've now blossomed to the extent that each team has significant sub-teams working on new features and prototyping for the product they support. These large teams now need to be characterized using a method that will allow them to be easily compared. We need the ability to see how closely related one team is to another, across many different variables. (In the scheme outlined below, we end up examining 50 bits of information for each team.)

Keep in mind that each category should be chosen such that it would make sense for teams categorized similarly to be grouped together. A counter example might be "Team Size"; you don't necessarily want all large teams together in one group, and all small teams in a different group. As such, "Team Size" is probably a poor category choice.

Here are the categories which we will use for the ACME Software Development Group:
  • Language
  • Syntax
  • Platform
  • Implementation Focus
  • Supported OS
  • Deployment Type
  • Product?
  • Service?
  • License Type
  • Industry Segment
  • Stakeholders
  • Customer Type
  • Corporate Priority
Each category may be either single-valued or multi-valued. For instance, the categories ending in question marks will be booleans. In contrast, multiple languages might be used by the same team, so the "Language" category will sometimes have several entries.

Category Example

(Things are going to get a bit more technical at this point; for those who care more about the outcomes than the methods used, feel free to skip to the section at the end: Sorting and Interpretation.)

In all cases, we will encode these values as binary digits -- this allows us to very easily compare teams using Levenshtein distance, since the total of all characteristics we are filtering on can be represented as a string value. An example should illustrate this well.

(The Levenshtein distance between two words is the minimum number of single-character edits -- such as insertions, deletions or substitutions -- required to change one word into the other. It is named after Vladimir Levenshtein, who defined this "distance" in 1965 when exploring the possibility of correcting deletions, insertions, and reversals in binary codes.)

Let's say the Software Development Group supports the following languages, with each one assigned a binary value:
  • LFE - #b0000000001
  • Erlang - #b0000000010
  • Elixir - #b0000000100
  • Ruby - #b0000001000
  • Python - #b0000010000
  • Hy - #b0000100000
  • Clojure - #b0001000000
  • Java - #b0010000000
  • JavaScript - #b0100000000
  • CoffeeScript - #b1000000000
A team that used LFE, Hy, and Clojure would obtain its "Language" category value by XOR'ing the three supported languages, and would thus be #b0001100001. In LFE, that could be done by entering the following code the REPL:

> (defun int-exp (a b)
(trunc (math:pow a b)))
> (set lfe (int-exp 2 0))
> (set hy (int-exp 2 5))
> (set clojure (int-exp 2 6))
> (bxor clojure (bxor lfe hy))
> (integer_to_list (bxor clojure (bxor lfe hy)) 2)
view raw 01-values.lfe hosted with ❤ by GitHub

We could then compare this to a team that used just Hy and Clojure (#b0001100000), which has a Levenshtein distance of 1 with the previous language category value. A team that used Ruby and Elixir (#b0000001100) would have a Levenshtein distance of 5 with the LFE/Hy/Clojure team (which makes sense: a total of 5 languages between the two teams with no languages shared in common). 

Calculating the Levenshtein Distance of Teams

As a VP who is keen on deeply understanding your teams, you have put together a spreadsheet with a break-down of not only languages used in each team, but lots of other categories, too. For easy reference, you've put a "legend" for the individual category binary values is at the bottom of the linked spreadsheet.

In the third table on that sheet, all of the values for each column are combined into a single binary string. This (or a slight modification of this) is what will be the input to your calculations. Needless to say, as a complete fan of LFE, you will be writing some Lisp code :-)

Partial view of the spreadsheet's first page.
(If you would like to try the code out yourself while reading, and you have lfetool installed, simply create a new project and start up the REPL: $ lfetool new library ld; cd ld && make-shell
That will download and compile the dependencies for you. In particular, you will then have access to the lfe-utils project -- which contains the Levenshtein distance functions we'll be using. You should be able to copy-and-paste functions, vars, etc., into the REPL from the Github gists.)

Let's create a couple of data structures that will allow us to more easily work with the data you collected about your teams in the spreadsheet:

> (set lookup-abbr
'(#(#b10000011000010100111100011011001100111001000101010 "DAPT")
#(#b01100000001000110001000100101010010011001100010010 "GRBAT")
#(#b00000100000010001000100100100110001111000101010001 "DICT")
#(#b00001000010100001010110101000110000100000100110010 "JPUST")
#(#b00010000000100010000110101000101000101000000100011 "JPPSST")
#(#b00000000010100000010111111110101000110101001110010 "UDAT")
#(#b00000001100011000110100011001010000100101100100011 "VRPRST")
#(#b00010000000100010000011110010011010010001100001100 "OT")
#(#b01000100000010001001111111000011010010001010000100 "QAT")
#(#b11010111111111111111101111000011010111011000100100 "CT")))
> (set lookup-name
'(#("DAPT" "Digital Anvil Product Team")
#("GRBAT" "Giant Rubber Band App Team")
#("DICT" "Digital Iron Carrot Team")
#("JPUST" "Jet Propelled Unicycle Service Team")
#("JPPSST" "Jet Propelled Pogo Stick Service Team")
#("UDAT" "Ultimatum Dispatcher API Team")
#("VRPRST" "Virtual Rocket Powered Roller Skates Team")
#("OT" "Operations Team")
#("QAT" "QA Team")
#("CT" "Community Team")))

We can use a quick copy and paste into the LFE REPL for two of those numbers to do a sanity check on the distance between the Community Team and the Digital Iron Carrot Team:

> (lfe-utils:levenshtein-distance
view raw 03-ld.lfe hosted with ❤ by GitHub

That result doesn't seem unreasonable, given that at a quick glance we can see both of these strings have many differences in their respective character positions.

It looks like we're on solid ground, then, so let's define some utility functions to more easily work with our data structures:

> (defun get-bins (data)
(proplists:get_keys data))
> (defun format-bin (bin)
(string:right (integer_to_list bin 2) 50 #\0))
> (defun get-str-bins (data)
(get-bins data)))
> (defun swap (data)
(match-lambda (((tuple a b ))
(tuple b a)))
> (defun bin->abbr (bin data)
(proplists:get_value bin data))
> (defun abbr->bin (team-abbr data)
(proplists:get_value team-abbr (swap data)))
> (defun abbr->name (team-abbr data)
(proplists:get_value team-abbr data))
> (defun name->abbr (name name-data)
(proplists:get_value name (swap name-data)))
> (defun name->bin (name data name-data)
(name->abbr name name-data)

Now we're ready to roll; let's try sorting the data based on a comparison with a one of the teams:

> (lfe-utils:levenshtein-sort
(get-str-bins lookup-abbr))
((0 "00000100000010001000100100100110001111000101010001")
(12 "00010000000100010000110101000101000101000000100011")
(13 "00001000010100001010110101000110000100000100110010")
(14 "00010000000100010000011110010011010010001100001100")
(14 "01000100000010001001111111000011010010001010000100")
(14 "01100000001000110001000100101010010011001100010010")
(15 "10000011000010100111100011011001100111001000101010")
(16 "00000000010100000010111111110101000110101001110010")
(16 "00000001100011000110100011001010000100101100100011")
(25 "11010111111111111111101111000011010111011000100100")))

It may not be obvious at first glance, but what the levenshtein-sort function did for us is compare our "control" string to every other string in our data set, providing both the distance and the string that the control was compared to. The first entry in the results is the our control string, and we see what we would expect: the Levenshtein distance with itself is 0 :-)

The result above is not very easily read by most humans ... so let's define a custom sorter that will take human-readable text and then output the same, after doing a sort on the binary strings:

> (defun sort-data (name data name-data)
(let* ((bin (name->bin name data name-data))
((tuple _ results) (lfe-utils:levenshtein-sort
(format-bin bin)
(get-str-bins data))))
(match-lambda (((list dist bin-str))
(list dist
(list_to_integer bin-str 2)

(If any of that doesn't make sense, please stop in and say "hello" on the LFE mail list -- ask us your questions! We're a friendly group that loves to chat about LFE and how to translate from Erlang, Common Lisp, or Clojure to LFE :-) )

Sorting and Interpretation

Before we try out our new function, we should ponder which team will be compared to all the others -- the sort results will change based on this choice. Looking at the spreadsheet, we see that the "Digital Iron Carrot Team" (DICT) has some interesting properties that make it a compelling choice:
  • it has stakeholders in Sales, Engineering, and Senior Leadership;
  • it has a "Corporate Priority" of "Business critical"; and
  • it has both internal and external customers.
Of all the products and services, it seems to be the biggest star. Let's try a sort now, using our new custom function -- inputting something that's human-readable: 

> (sort-data "Digital Iron Carrot Team"

Here we're making the request "Show me the sorted results of each team's binary string compared to the binary string of the DICT." Here are the human-readable results:

((0 "Digital Iron Carrot Team")
(12 "Jet Propelled Pogo Stick Service Team")
(13 "Jet Propelled Unicycle Service Team")
(14 "Operations Team")
(14 "QA Team")
(14 "Giant Rubber Band App Team")
(15 "Digital Anvil Product Team")
(16 "Ultimatum Dispatcher API Team")
(16 "Virtual Rocket Powered Roller Skates Team")
(25 "Community Team"))

For a better visual on this, take a look at the second tab of the shared spreadsheet. The results have been applied to the collected data there, and then colored by major groupings. The first group shares these things in common:
  • Lisp- and Python-heavy
  • Middleware running on BSD boxen
  • Mostly proprietary
  • Externally facing
  • Focus on apps and APIs
It would make sense to group these three together.

A sort (and thus grouping) by comparison to critical team.
Next on the list is Operations and QA -- often a natural pairing, and this process bears out such conventional wisdom. These two are good candidates for a second group.

Things get a little trickier at the end of the list. Depending upon the number of developers in the Java-heavy Giant Rubber Band App Team, they might make up their own group. However, both that one and the next team on the list have frontend components written in Angular.js. They both are used internally and have Engineering as a stakeholder in common, so let's go ahead and group them.

The next two are cloud-deployed Finance APIs running on the Erlang VM. These make a very natural pairing.

Which leaves us with the oddball: the Community Team. The Levenshtein distance for this team is the greatest for all the teams ... but don't be mislead. Because it has something in common with all teams (the Community Team supports every product with docs, example code, Sales and TAM support, evangelism for open source projects, etc.), it will have many differing bits with each team. This really should be in a group all its own so that structure represents reality: all teams depend upon the Community Team. A good case could also probably be made for having the manager of this team report directly up to you. 

The other groups should probably have directors that the team managers report to (keeping in mind that the teams have grown to anywhere from 20 to 40 per team). The director will be able to guide these teams according to your vision for the Software Group and the shared traits/common vision you have uncovered in the course of this analysis.

Let's go back to the Community Team. Perhaps in working with them, you have uncovered a hidden fact: the community interactions your devs have are seriously driving market adoption through some impressive and passionate service and open source docs+evangelism. You are curious how your teams might be grouped if sorted from the perspective of the Community Team.

Let's find out!

> (sort-data "Community Team"
((0 "Community Team")
(18 "Digital Anvil Product Team")
(19 "QA Team")
(22 "Operations Team")
(22 "Giant Rubber Band App Team")
(23 "Virtual Rocket Powered Roller Skates Team")
(24 "Ultimatum Dispatcher API Team")
(24 "Jet Propelled Unicycle Service Team")
(25 "Digital Iron Carrot Team")
(26 "Jet Propelled Pogo Stick Service Team"))

As one might expect, most of the teams remain grouped in the same way ... the notable exception being the split-up of the Anvil and Rubber Band teams. Mostly no surprises, though -- the same groupings persist in this model.

A sort (and thus grouping) by comparison to highly-connected team.
To be fair, if this is something you'd want to fully explore, you should bump the "Corporate Priority" for the Community Team much higher, recalculate it's overall bits, regenerate your data structures, and then resort. It may not change too much in this case, but you'd be applying consistent methods, and that's definitely the right thing to do :-) You might even see the Anvil and Rubber Band teams get back together (left as an exercise for the reader).

As a last example, let's throw caution and good sense to the wind and get crazy. You know, like the many times you've seen bizarre, anti-intuitive re-orgs done: let's do a sort that compares a team of middling importance and a relatively low corporate impact with the rest of the teams. What do we see then?

> (sort-data "Giant Rubber Band App Team"
((0 "Giant Rubber Band App Team")
(13 "Virtual Rocket Powered Roller Skates Team")
(13 "Operations Team")
(13 "Jet Propelled Pogo Stick Service Team")
(14 "Digital Iron Carrot Team")
(15 "Jet Propelled Unicycle Service Team")
(16 "Ultimatum Dispatcher API Team")
(16 "QA Team")
(16 "Digital Anvil Product Team")
(22 "Community Team"))

This ruins everything. Well, almost everything: the only group that doesn't get split up is the middleware product line (Jet Propelled and Iron Carrot). Everything else suffers from a bad re-org.

A sort (and thus grouping) by comparison to a non-critical team.

If you were to do this because a genuine change in priority had occurred, where the Giant Rubber Band App Team was now the corporate leader/darling, then you'd need to recompute the bit values and do re-sorts. Failing that, you'd just be falling into a trap that has beguiled many before you.


If there's one thing that this exercise should show you, it's this: applying tools and analyses from one field to fresh data in another -- completely unrelated -- field can provide pretty amazing results that turn mystery and guesswork into science and planning.

If we can get two things from this, the other might be: knowing the parts of the system may not necessarily reveal the whole (c.f. Complex Systems), but it may provide you with the data that lets you better predict emergent behaviours and identify patterns and structure where you didn't see them (or even think to look!) before.