Do you love Ubuntu? Are you an HCI freak? Are you an X hacker, kernel driver maintainer, Linux input enthusiast, Qt or GTK application developer, C/C++ hacker?
Do you enjoy being part of online technical communities? Are you actively involved in open source projects? Do you enjoy advocating for software?
Do you love test-driven development and thirst for high-quality open source software running on devices with touch interfaces?
Does the idea of working from home in your own time-zone, on cutting-edge, strategic projects at Canonical have you sitting on the edge of your seat?
If so, then please send me your resumé/CV! I'm looking for a few brilliant engineers as we grow our Product Strategy teams (DX, Design, and others).
My uncle sam looks better :)
Ahmed! You have an Uncle Sam?!
Was talking about this one :)
NICE! I love it! Looks like we have a similar sense of humor, Ahmed :-)
Oh, and you're right: your Uncle ROCKS it!
Is this a new meme or something? I just read http://morepypy.blogspot.com/2011/01/pypy-wants-you.html too :-)
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