Next up was getting the Twisted and Divmod code installed. This required the following additional package installs:
sudo apt-get install python2.4-zopeinterfaceWith that done, I ran trial twisted, and watched the tests zip by. The end result? Only 1 failure and 2 errors; that's a pretty significant improvement over Twisted in Solaris 10. The failure was actually a little bit weird: the test can't find /dev/tty, however the device does exist (and I can open it from the python prompt). The two errors came from the UDP "multi listen" test, and were are result of the test timing out.
sudo apt-get install python2.4-profiler
sudo apt-get install python2.4-pyopenssl
sudo apt-get install python2.4-crypto
If I can get those two tests sorted out, I'll start testing the Divmod code. If all goes well, this could very well end up being my new development platform.
1 comment:
Can you please share your /etc/sources.list?
The default from Nexenta CP 1.0 has only these two lines, and finds only 860 packages.
deb http://apt.nexenta.org elatte-stable main contrib non-free
deb-src http://apt.nexenta.org elatte-stable main contrib non-free
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