We had fun in person, there was good chatter on IRC with the Colorado and San Francisco teams, and we had a great time digging into OpenStack some more.
Technical highlights include:
- testing out development deployments of OpenStack using Vagrant (some successes, some blockers)
- testing out dev deployments of OpenStack using VirtualBox directly
- filed some bugs for issues in horizon regarding error feedback to users and how the documentation is generated
- dug into issues with logging and inconsistencies in datestamps
- uncovered some weirdness with the usage of gnu screen and hanging services/partial devstack installs due to sudo assumptions (devstack assumes a passwordless sudo, and will label an install as failed if it gets hung up on the apache log tail, waiting for a password, even if the install was successful and all the services started correctly)
- Doug Hellmann made his first commit upstream to OpenStack
- Thanks for Zenoss for the fun swag today
(the Zebras are still staring at me... I think they're going to be making an appearance in ToyStory 5)
- Even more thanks to Zenoss for the offer to become an OpenStack Atlanta Sponsor (food, drinks, and swag)!
- Thanks to DreamHost for the AMAZING coffee and danishes from The Village Corner Restaurant/Basket Bakery. Seriously. That was the best coffee I have ever had. In. My. Life.
- Also, thanks DreamHost for the pizza and the sweet potato pies!
We took a couple snapshots of the event, and I'll be posting those soon on the Meetup page, but for the super-impatient, they're up on Flickr right now


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